Friday, March 31, 2017

Weekend Update - 03/31/2017

All of my medical stuff continues with stability being the operative word. This is very very good indeed. And now to the real news of note… After much (and I do mean a hell of a lot) due diligence in regards to my ongoing financial situation… more has been revealed. And revealed really ^%$***$# fast. Please know that I am still processing the events of the past couple of weeks so I apologize if the following is a little disjointed. Without the generosity of all of you who have shared your experience, strength, hope, time, and resources with me over the past three plus years I would not have been able to remain financially viable. By that I mean I would have lost my home, car, still have substantial debt, and pretty much been left without a pot to piss in. But because of your generous gifts I have been able to survive and remain in my home of the past eighteen years until about now. Very fortunately I have just been able to sell my home and in the coming weeks use those proceeds to pay off almost all of my debt. While there is still some medical debt left, I will now be able to support myself independently. While I am sad to have to give up my home of eighteen years I am so very grateful to be able to at least move on to a different home (apartment) where I can be financially secure and not have to live in a state of financial panic the last two weeks of every month. Another big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts have been greatly appreciated. I am now moving on to a new chapter in my life and plan to continue writing this blog. As a good friend once said…there is nothing like a good emotional douche and corresponding mental floss. This is especially true when these are performed on at least a weekly basis. My cancer journey does continue. My intention is to continue to share this journey with you for my own mental, spiritual, and physical health and in the hope, that in some small way, it may let someone out there know that they are not alone, unique, doomed, or a lost soul. Also to share with you all a few lessons I have and continue to learn on my cancer journey. Some of the most important ones being that (1) my greatest strength is to set my pride aside and ask for the help I need when I need it, and (2) to share honestly with others the feelings I experience as my journey progresses, and (3) as a human being I do not live my life gracefully but I live it with the tremendous amount of grace bestowed upon me. This past several weeks have proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I do not know what is going to happen. Of course being a human being I will forget all of this given half a chance and/or enough time. My answer to this is to persevere on my continuing cancer journey. Once again I say thank you even though this feels so inadequate. Much love to you all and thank you again for the love you have shared with me over these past three plus years. NOTE: My gofundme page can now be ended and it is indeed now closed. My goal has been met. My goal was not met the way I planned but has been successfully met the way the “powers that be” intended. I am a very humbled human being. This is good. For the big picture please read my blog from the beginning. ***Please note that the 12/14/16 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

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