Friday, March 17, 2017

Weekend Update - 03/17/2017

I can say one thing for certain. Surviving terminal cancer has forever changed my perspective on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This journey began about four years ago and really picked up steam in the spring of 2014. My ability to confront and survive the changes in my life which have occurred as a direct result of my cancer diagnosis continues to leave me almost speechless at times. (I did say almost…) I do know I do not deal with change gracefully. I been able to survive and thrive the changes in my life thus far due only to the support of my friends and family. My mantras this week are “I am not an island” - “I am not alone” - I do not know what is going to happen” - “I cannot foretell the future”. If you notice a degree of repetition here it is due to the fact that I am stubborn, clueless, and bullheaded at times. This has proven to be true especially when I am stressed…as is the case now. Particularly over the past six months or so I have attempted to go down several different paths regarding my future. Some of these would lead to my sure self-destruction and cause me, and more importantly those who are close to me, a horrendous amount of pain. Other paths …. well I do not “know” where they will lead but for sure I will be present and accounted for at the ends of them. In my recent endeavors all sane pathways have led to where I am now and the resultant actions I must now take. I am reminded - again - that I do not do life gracefully but do live life like a full fledged member of humanity. That is to say …… I live life with an incredible amount of grace and just pure dumb luck. Two of my greatest strengths are to be able to ask for help and follow directions. I do neither gracefully. My thoughts for the week is this: Every time history repeats itself, the price goes up. My simple goal is not to have lessons be repeated in my life. I do see my endocrinologist this coming week but as everything else looks good there should be no news of note. I continue to be so vey grateful for Depends. A great thank you for the patience of my friends and family as this process continues. I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for financial assistance. This continues to be so much more of a humbling experience. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have and continue to share their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and still needed. For the big picture please read my blog from the beginning. ***Please note that the 12/14/16 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

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