Thursday, December 31, 2015

A New Year - almost....

An End Of Year / Holiday Update - 12/31/15 What a year it has been. I am grateful to be able to see this year out still alive, being ambulatory and being of relatively sound mental status. My New Year’s “resolutions” for 2016 are to: *Be here at this time next year and to be at least as healthy as I am now. *To still be in remission from the cancer they cut out and radiate. *To not have any more problems with the thyroid cancer. *To be Hep C free. *To have, at most, minimal physical “issues”. *To be securely living in my current home. *To maintain and deepen the friendships with those who have and will be sharing my journey. *To continue to be able to give back to others the gifts of time, experience, strength and hope which have, and are, being so freely shared with me. *And lastly, to do those things which will make the list above a reality. It has been good to be reminded of the importance of having other human beings be an active part of your life. I have been able to spend some good quality time with an old friend and his family this past few days. I was reminded of how important it is for me to be an active participant in life. Living an “active life” this past few days has served to distract me from my day to day “routine” and the ongoing physical issues I must deal with. It sounds so simple but it has taken me some moments to be reminded of this. My doctor/nurse/lab appointments continue. Life … continues. I am grateful for every moment. I will even be grateful as I have my colonoscopy. Once again … in closing, the reality of my financial situation continues to be what it is…. not good. I am asking all to give what you can and to remember that no amount is to small. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. A big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources over this past year. I don’t remember about 2 and 1/2 months of it but folks have told me I was there and I was a lotta fun to be around. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story. And read my blog at:

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Special Christmas Update - 12/23/15

This is a special Christmas update. I am so thankful to be here and I need to share something I wrote many years ago. It is that time of year and coincides with the anniversary of my cancer surgery. My feelings are beginning to catch up with me. To know something intellectually and be able to talk about it “objectively” is something I have been able to do over the past months. What is beginning to happen is I am now feeling about what's occurred over this past year and a half in a much more profound way. The layers of the onion are falling away. My understanding regarding my survival of this disease, the losses I am enduring as a result of this disease and the support I have received is reaching new depths. I am shedding a lot of tears and characterize myself as a grateful mess. More is being revealed. So on this note I share the following… This is the time of remembrance, of quiet reflection. Remembering all which the Creator has given and revealed. Remembering that I am the result of my ancestors endeavors, faiths, hopes and dreams. To remember my strength is unlimited when I acknowledge my connection to all my relations. To remember the ground I walk on is sacred ground for it is the dust and blood of my ancestors. To remember all of my relations and my connectedness to all things. I am a part of the circle of life. This is a time to reaffirm my faith and to give thanks as I continue my journey on this sacred path laid before me. This is also a time of new beginnings, a time of renewal of the spirit. A time to give thanks to all who have shared my path this past year. I encourage you all to listen to and follow your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms. It is my prayer that all of your hopes and dreams come true and to, once again, say thank you for sharing my journey and for the gifts you have bestowed unto me. May the Creator grant you faith, courage and wisdom to follow your heart and to remember you are never alone. Mitakuye Oyasin - We Are All Related And in closing, the reality of my financial situation continues to be what it is…. not good. I am asking all to give what you can and to remember that no amount is to small. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Weekend Update - 12/20/15

A very Happy Holidays to all. For me this is a season of remembering, gratitude and of a reckoning. The remembering, in hearing the stories of where I have been this past year…especially where I was one year ago at this time. Hearing the stories of how I looked and my “mental status”, I marvel at just how out of touch with reality I was. And I am thankful I do not remember much of this period of time. The pieces that do “flash” before me are a sobering reminder of just how sick I was. The gratitude is for all of those who gave of their time and resources walking with me during this time. They say there are layers of the onion and I am finding new layers of just how thankful I am for the love shown me. I cannot say this enough. I remain profoundly grateful to the human beings who shared my journey this past 14+ months. My hope is I can give back that which has been so freely shared with me in the coming months/years. I am once again becoming an active social worker in my volunteer work. A reckoning in coming to terms with my faith and what I do believe in and following through with action on my beliefs. A part of this is showing up to where I am called and the peace I am finding in doing so. I am also finding just how “grey” this part of my life is at this time. One “size” does not fit me and I am becoming more at peace within myself and subsequently with the world around me. Live long and prosper, Mikakuye Oyasin, peace be unto you, namaste and may the force be with you. May you find peace within yourself and walk in harmony with the world. As for my day to day affairs…. more doctors… and if it was possible to give more blood I would be donor on a vampire series. More will be revealed, but things look OK for now. And in closing, the reality of my financial situation continues to be what it is…. not good. I am asking all to give what you can and to remember that no amount is to small. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story. And read my blog at:

Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekend Update - 12/14/15

Oh the memories from last year at this time. Well, in fact, I really do not remember much at all. I have a vague memory of being in the ER at some point(s) but beyond that I am clueless. In talking with those who were with me last year I have been told that I was pretty much “out of it” and spending time with me made for great entertainment and exasperation. I do remember my primary mantra was “this is only temporary”. I was often told (as I have been reminded) that change would come and I would probably remember very little, if any, about this period of time. Indeed this has proven to be true for me. The reasons for this I am told were a combination of “anesthesia brain”, as a result of my initial surgery, and the drugs I was taking at the time. Currently I am doing much better. The many doctor/nurse/lab appointments continue. I am making good progress in all areas and they continue to keep a close watch on my thyroid. Now is the time of watching and waiting …. especially waiting over the next several months. The one most apparent area of concern and impact at this time is the radiation colitis. This is greatly affecting my day to day activities. I have learned to “be prepared” at all times. I am also trying to not let this keep me confined to my home. This will not get better and learning to live with it is the order of the day. One of the gifts of my cancer journey that will keep on giving. I am showing up. I am now volunteering at Winship Cancer Institute. Once a social worker, always a social worker. This is one small attempt to give back what was so freely given to me. I am also applying to do more volunteer work. I am enjoying the holidays in ways I have been unable to in the past. I am practicing a much more active spiritual life. I am much more at peace with my past, my present and my future. I am focused on being here present in the now and being profoundly grateful I have been given another chance to live. I also know I would not be here if not for the grace and gifts of those in my life. I cannot say this often enough, … Thank You. And in closing, the reality of my financial situation continues to be what it is…. not good. I am asking all to give what you can and to remember that no amount is to small. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. **Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely. Please read and share my story.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Holiday Update - 12/8/15

“The 12 Gifts of Cancer” - The Holiday Edition The following is a homage to my cancer and for the great gifts it bestowed upon me this past year. Last year, around this time, I was back, for the second time, in the emergency room following my cancer surgery. Oh the memories from this past year. A urostomy for me. 2. No more testicles for me. 3. No more “urge incontinence” …. and no more bladder for me. 4. A prostate gland no more … where it all began. 5. 43 lymph nodes disappear. 6. Radiation and the everlasting radiation colitis. Nasty. 7. Two-thirds of my thyroid gland removed, with a teeny tiny bit of cancer still to go. 8. Crippling debt. 9. Discovering whole new levels of friendship and family and finding out I am wanted, needed, expected and loved. 10. Experiencing a new level of the meaning of perseverance. 11. Finding out my losses were the source of my greatest gains in how positive I now view the world and the human beings in it. 12. I am grateful for what I have, acknowledging I have the ability to be a more positive force in the world and to be at peace with myself. I am very aware of just how fortunate I am to have the family and friends I have as part of my life. I am extremely grateful for the gifts I have received. Thank you. And the old saying is true. Once a social worker, always a social worker. Volunteering to assist other cancer patients and it feels so good. As the holidays are here, I ask all who would like to give to please donate as my greatest need continues to be paying my bills. And in closing, the reality of my financial situation is what it is…. not good. I am asking all to give what you can and remember that no amount is to small. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. **Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely. Please read and share my story. And read my blog at:

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Special note - this for sharing with everyone

Below you will read the story of a long-time friend of mine who is asking for help. He is a former social worker, retired due to disablility resulting from a near-paralyzing collision many years ago (not his fault). This is a legitimate request and a true story. I ask you to read, give what you can, and to share my friend’s story. Richard’s Story - Rik is a Medicare patient due to his disability status, not his age. Beginning in 2011, his PSA level began to creep up until it reached a 10, at which point his primary care physician referred him to a urologist. He also had various urininary problems, all of which were common problems for older men. His PSA count continued to climb and he was diagnosed with BPH (benign prostate hypoxia -- enlarged prostate) and a bladder infection. However, his symptoms slowly became more of an issue and his PSA level went to the high teens, then the 20’s, 30’s and up into the high 60’s. I also had, for three years in a row, biopsies of the prostate. Each showed nothing new - still BPH and a recurrent bladder infection. NOTE: The doctor who was treating Rik “left” that practice very suddenly and a nurse called to tell him that his new doctor (the head doctor at this practice) would now be taking over his treatment. The nurse said "Oh, my! Your PSA level is really high and we need you to come in ASAP to see the doctor." Rik came in a few days later. The new doctor said that yet another biopsy was needed, and he performed it right away. This one came back positive for cancer in August 2014,' Rik also had an MRI at this time, which showed cancer in the surrounding lymph nodes.His PSA at the time was at least in the 80’s. He had two bone scans, which were negative, and then a followup “targeted” needle biopsy which showed positive for cancer. The outlook was not good and he was told that the prognosis was terminal and there was nothing to be done. This doctor's only treatment options initially were hormone suppression and targeted radiation and radiation seeds. At my last visit to this practice, however, Rik was only able to meet with a Physician's Assistant, who encouraged him to begin the hormone suppression therapy and told him there was really no need for him to try anything else or seek a second opinion. The doctor did not see him and would not look at Rik, even though Rik could see him sitting in the office area. This doctor spent very little time with Rik during his visits and avoided him like the plague. After this, Rik followed the strong advice of friends with connections to the Winship Cancer Center at Emory University Hospital and went there for a second opinion. In Rik's words, he finally found (at Winship) "a doctor who actually cares about his patients and in this case the patient was me." A PET scan run at which showed the cancer had progressed beyond the prostate and its surrounding lymph nodes and well into the bladder. Further tests revealed an unrelated thyroid cancer. Because the doctors at Winship persuaded him that he had a life worth saving, Rik underwent the following operations and treatment: - November 2014: The initial operation removed my prostate, bladder, 43 lymph nodes, and remaining testicle. This procedure resulted in his receiving a urostomy and having to recover at home for the next 3 months, with the help of friends. Rik has no family members who care about him, except for one very supportive older cousin in Indiana. His close circle of friends in Atlanta have been his lifeline throughout his illness. - February 2015: February marked the beginning of several weeks of daily (M-F) radiation treatments, which lasted through March. - May 2015: Post-radiation, he underwent a thyroidectomy, which resulted in the removal of more than 65% of his thyroid. - June 2015: Biopsy of remaining thyroid, which produced five samples. Four of the samples were inconclusive for cancer and one was negative. Later that month, physicians that the thyroid cancer was in remission. In the following months, Rik has been diagnosed with diabetes, hepatitis C, and other physical “problems” related to my cancer treatment. All of these have further increased his medical costs and severely impacted his life. HOW YOU CAN HELP While Rik is lucky and all of us are grateful that he is alive, his struggle to survive cancer has come at a considerable financial cost and he needs your help. He is a 62-year-old disabled/retired social worker living on a fixed income and was unprepared to absorb the breadth and depth of medical costs associated with the procedures, treatments, and ongoing examinations to ensure he remains in remission. Before these events started, h was able to perform some “odd jobs” at times to bring in minimal extra funds. The “odd jobs” consisting of helping people clean their houses, going to the store/shopping for and with people who needed assistance, and going with people to their doctor’s appointments. Once a social worker always a social worker. Due to the physical toll of my operations, treatments for the cancer and other health issues, he is no longer able to continue performing any “odd jobs” to bring in extra funds. Please be aware that With his fixed income, he would be able to meet normal bills and remain in his home. He cannot, however, handle this crippling medical bills on his fixed income. Medicare only pays 80% of the medical costs that it covers. That 20% of bills like Rik's is a crippling amount for someone who has no way to supplement his income. You can make a huge difference in this one life.Your kind and deeply appreciated donation(s) can help a wonderful person remain in his home, pay down medical/other bills, and reduce the added stress of financial fears piled on top of dealing with severe medical problems for a fellow human being. Achieving his fund raising goal would allow him to pay off enough of his bills and remain in his home. (Although I would like to see him raise a little more so that there is a cushion against future medical bills.) I know this has been long reading, but thank you for sticking it out to the end. Please consider doing whatever you can for Richard Hill. In closing, I ask all of you to help my friend to keep his home. To donate please go to: