Friday, April 21, 2017

Weekend Update - 04/21/2017

I am once again acquainted with the sixth level of hell…..MOVING. It’s not just a job, it’s like going to the DMV while having your doctor tell you that you might have a week left to live while a car alarm is going off about ten feet away from you and that overturned sewage truck is really getting ripe. But moved I am. Further downsizing is required. This is my mission for this coming week. And in spite of my whining last week I am beginning to enjoy the freedom that comes with being in a position to tell the Bank of America to &*^% off. Now this feels good. And in regards to those feelings about having to move out of my home of the past eighteen years……. They are there. Sadness… but I do understand that this was one of those necessary losses. I am in process about this. Medically…….no news is good news indeed. As I watch my country turn into a right wing shit show I dream of a day when I can wake up and be in the world for twenty-four hours without being made aware of a new way that the republicans and their whore trump have not done, said, or are planning some new way to &%#* us all. More in depth on this later. Please read my blog (link below) from the beginning for a complete picture of how I ended up right here right now. It has, and continues to be, one hell of a journey.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Weekend Update - 04/16/2017

The message to me this past week has been to let go. To let go of “stuff”, my own preconceived ideas, and my paranoia that any minute someone or something is going to come and take everything away from me. I am finding it a new journey to live without the fear of imminent financial collapse. Change…….I am not a big fan right now but it is growing on me….like a bad unknown rash. All medical conditions continue to be stable. This is good. Thanks once again to all who continue to provide me with mental floss. My brain is tired. My body has surrendered. I am out. Please read my blog (link below) from the beginning for a complete picture of how I ended up right here right now. It has, and continues to be, one hell of a journey.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Weekend Update - 04/07/2017

This is my first post following the closing of my gofundme page. This does feel a little odd but I am so relieved to be able to end that part of this journey. I am still in my home of the past eighteen years but only for about the next three days. Monday will be my final day here. If nothing else I can say I have done what momma always told me to do with people, places and things. Leave all better than when you found them. I am leaving this home in better shape than when I first moved in. As it is now spring, those that know me might be aware that I am on the upswing. Seasonal affective disorder is indeed a thing. I am zipping right through all those feelings I am having about moving. Don’t worry folks I am sure they will catch up with me eventually. Medically I am stable except for part of my body which continues to bring me so much joy joy joy. As time goes on I am going to broaden what I have been writing about to include other items of interest to me and a few that bring me joy and a few that really chap my ass. And now my journey continues. Moving for the first time in eighteen years when I had no plans to do so (My plan was to die here) has become quite the adventure itself. More on this next week. And I must continue to thank all of you who have shared this journey with me. I would not be here without each and every one of you. Please read my blog (link below) from the beginning for a complete picture of how I ended up right here right now. It has, and continues to be, one hell of a journey.