Friday, August 26, 2016

Weekend Update - 8/26/16

To live in a state of denial is, at times, a very comfortable place to be. This sums up my last week. I saw a couple of doctors and had some more blood work done. The blood work was great except for the thyroid. I am due to see the doctor who saved my life and the ENT doctor this week. I hope to receive more information and direction at that time. I must thank one of my doctors for thoroughly reviewing both her notes and the notes of my other doctors with me. It was a reality check for me in the sense of making me stop and own where I am in my treatment process. Suffice it to say there was no denial going on at the end of that doctor visit. However I am now comfortably ensconced in denial once more. I am looking forward to the upcoming cancer support group meeting. I continue to do my best in taking care of myself. I have done well this week. The gift of perception has also been prevalent this week. I am glad I had to visit the hospital several times this week. It was very good for me to get out to see and talk with other patients. I am going to add this. I do feel the insanity of the high cost of medications. This is really getting out of control. Things are still stretched more than ever at this time so I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and needed. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for assistance. This continues to be a very humbling experience. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Weekend Update - 8/19/16

This is one of those times I am tired. I am doing my best to put one foot in front of the other. I almost feel like I just do not want to know any more. I wish I could say something profound, enlightening or encouraging. I cannot right now. And that’s the way it is right here, right now. More doctor appointments this coming week. I have my ENT doctor appointment set for September 1st at the latest. I hope to have some answers regarding my thyroid issues in the coming weeks. I do know that things will change but right now it is what it is. Sometimes it just be that way. Things are still stretched more than ever at this time so I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and needed. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for assistance. This continues to be a very humbling experience. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story. And read my blog at:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Weekend Update - 8/12/16

I am once again in p..p..p..process as the docs look at my neck and thyroid. There are some possible surgical complications concerning my voice (I sound like Harry Belafonte) due to previous neck surgeries. I am going to be seen by an ENT doctor to determine the next course of action with my surgeon. A possible MRI is also in my near future. And the bills go on and up. Please refer to the previous post for specifics. At this point I do not want to say more other than a continued thank you to all who continue to listen and be there for me. Please know that I am grateful and humbled by your support. Things are stretched more than ever at this time so I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and needed. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for assistance. This continues to be a very humbling experience. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Weekend Update - 8/5/16

I am back on the pre-surgery train. I am doing all I can to ready myself physically to make this event as much of a non-event as possible. The dates of tests/surgery will firm up following my appointment with my surgeon on the 11th of August. Someone asked me how I am feeling and, at the time, I honestly said I did not know. A few feelings going on now are fear, anxiousness, sadness, depression and oddly a sense of peace, calm and relief that they are finally going to get this last piece of cancer out of me… hopefully. So I continue to breathe in and out and am doing my best to not make any bad decisions. It is still amazing (and sickening) to me how much all of my medications and treatments are costing. Looking at the numbers I am grateful to be still treading water. This has been possible only due to the kindness and generosity of my family and friends. I am extremely humbled by your gifts and continued support. Thank you. However, as life goes on so do other bills as well. Having my toilet be in danger of falling through the floor is no fun and must be dealt with. I have just learned that mold has eaten away at my floor and subfloor and must be repaired before it collapses to the tune of $3000.00. The fact that I am in the Medicare “donut hole” regarding my medications is also not helping. Being asked to pay $398.00 for insulin sucks. Add to this another $168.00 for urostomy supplies and the increased costs of my other medications….. my limited options will almost certainly deepen my already considerable debt. When I look at the monetary costs of the diabetes and the urostomy and add to it the costs of this next thyroid surgery/treatments and my previous treatment/disability issues….. well these just add to the fun. Both my home and body need immediate treatment. Things are stretched more than ever at this time so I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. Every little bit helps. I am living month to month, and without the support I have received I would not still be living in my home. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have shared their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and needed. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for assistance. This continues to be a very humbling experience. ***Please note that the 12/3/15 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.