Thursday, August 24, 2017

Change Will Not Come From Silence / I Am My Nation’s Inconvenient Truth 8/24/17

Change Will Not Come From Silence / I Am My Nation’s Inconvenient Truth I must continue to believe, no matter what, my country will evolve into that more perfect union where all are welcome and all have an equal seat at the table. For if I no longer believe in that more perfect union, I believe I will be lost, and I will, by default, become an active participant in the annihilation of said union. I am 64 year old disabled gay man of color. All of my life I have lived with the fear of what might happen if this country turned to the dark angels of it’s nature. That nature being the facts that this nation was founded upon the genocide of one people and the enslavement of another. That nature being the deep racism which permeates every cell of the makeup of this country like a cancer. This cancer, unless addressed, or at the very least mitigated in some way, will consume the very fabric of our union resulting in this (our) unions complete annihilation. With the election of twitler, my country has let me know, in no uncertain terms, I am no longer welcome here. twitler has repeatedly stated he is not my president. The events of Charlottesville and twitler’s heartfelt endorsement of nazis, the kkk, and the so-called alt-right as a whole has let me know in no uncertain terms who he is and he is not my president. Unfortunately he is the president. I lived in Richmond, Virginia, for twelve years. I lived in the Fan district and I walked out of my apartment(s) and saw the statues of jeb stuart and robert e. lee every day. There are also a lot of other confederate memorial states and the white house of the confederacy nearby which I saw way to regularly. Every time I saw these things it hurt. It hurt that part of me that try as I may to love my country ……. it hurt more because I do love my country. That kind of pain wears on me every day. Those monuments are a loud clear message that to me that I am not and will never be - no matter what I do - a full member of this Union. I will always be less than and not really a part of. I am my nations inconvenient truth. —— On a lighter note I do take great pride in the fact that I have pissed on most every confederate monument in Richmond, Virginia. I feel that this was the least that I could do. The “rights” gay people have won over the past several years will, in all likelihood, be repealed. This is already happening in the military. Black lives matter? …..Clearly not. Mass incarceration continues and with the return of the “law and order” mentality and the resultant changes in policies within the Department of Justice the future is bleak. That “safety net” of the Supreme Court and the U. S. Department of Justice which have, for the most part, continually moved this country “forward” (albeit kicking and screaming) is now compromised for the coming generation if not generations of Americans. The future of affordable healthcare in this country is now fundamentally compromised. Republicans will continue to push for the abolition of Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. I believe unless the democrats endorse a universal healthcare/single payer healthcare system Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security will be short lived. The complete assault upon our public schools continues unabated and is now enhanced with the choices of twitler’s choice of Secretary of Education. No longer do we identify the children of this nation as “our children”. Now our children have become “those children" and are seen types of foreign objects to be managed, thrown away, ignored or exterminated. As far as climate change is concerned…………our future is, along with the planet, going up in flames. Our children will not thank us and will be, if not already, ashamed of us. Insanity now rules in our nations capital. twitler’s decisions to place people in charge of the Departments of Energy, EPA, and Interior who do not even believe in or have knowledge of their respective departments missions …….. well we are screwed. Our children are screwed. The planet is screwed. Our country’s place in the world is forever diminished. The balance of power (how the USA is viewed) in the world has changed for the worse. I feel afraid for our men and women in uniform. I feel terrified for the “least” of us here in this country. I can no longer walk down the street in this country and feel welcome, safe or secure. I no longer feel proud to be an American. I am profoundly ashamed of and embarrassed by my country. The future does not look bright, especially for the children of this country. Hatred, intolerance, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia have, at this point in time, won the future of this country. I am reminded, once again, of the question I asked my mother when I was a little boy. Said question being … why do they (white people) hate us so much. She told me this was because they were sick. I asked what I could do to help them and was told I need to be the best human being I could be, to help all people whenever I could and to remember we are all human beings and no one person is greater or lesser than anyone else. In other words love them until they learn to love themselves. My mother then asked me how I was feeling. I thought about it for a few seconds and said I felt sad. Well, I am profoundly sad once again. I have that pit of terror in my stomach. My belief that love is powerful enough to overcome the wave of “insanity” which this country has now embraced has been shaken to its very core. So I come again to the crossroads of what do I do….what can I do…. what must I do. To begin, I have decided to do what my mother would have me do. I must love them until they can learn to love themselves. Now the question becomes how do I do this. How can I actively practice that love. My answer is to not be silent. To speak up and out about the insanity in the world and by doing so make a continuous appeal to the better angels of our nature. When I am out and about, at a friend’s house, a party, a public event … Whenever and wherever I hear words of intolerance/stupidity I must quietly speak that I am offended and state why. I will make myself available for a discussion about the issue raised. I will do my best to talk openly and honestly with those who also chose to have this discussion. If necessary I will turn and leave or ask said person(s) to leave my home. All are not ready for this discussion. But for those who are ready for this discussion change can occur. I must act on the better angel of my nature. Why speak up? What has my silence gained but the continuation of intolerance and all the negativity that comes with it. Change begins with my voice being heard. My continued silence serves only to give validation to intolerance. This “inconvenient truth” will be silent no more. So a toast to the better angels of our nature. I know I am not alone…..and neither are you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

thoughts on twitler

SOME THOUGHTS REGARDING twitler……… Regarding racism and the hatred/fear of the twitler/GOP supporters……..What happened in Charlottesville and twitler’s recent press conference (8/15/2017) sadly confirms my worst fears for the country and all of us who are “different” and/or do not subscribe to vileness of twitter’s beliefs. Please note that black/brown/red/yellow/gay/muslim and/or any other “others” do not hate/fear “others” the way that you twitler people do. There is a deep rot in the soul of the USA. That rot is primarily racism. And now this racism is moved into the white house….or (and I am quoting here: “the white supremacist house”. The other rots are the other “ism's", capitalism, and just plain willful ignorance. The truth has come out. That fear in the pit of my stomach all these years has been proven true. Just because you twitler/GOP supporters have that deep sickness in your soul which causes you to view “others” with the deep contemptuous absolute hatred/fear you are so eaten up with does not, especially in this case, mean that those “others” must have the same deep dark sickness/feelings you have. They, by the very vast majority, do not. This does not mean that there are not some in those others who hate you too. Every group has their assholes. Every group also has their versions of Herman Cain/Clarence Thomas/Ben Carson/Don King and the extremely incongruent talking heads who support the twitler/GOP. Most of, if not all of, who have sold and/or will sell their face and soul for a dollar. Once again, what this does mean is that the vast majority of those “others” do not hate/fear you. They do however do not like the racist things you do and say because it just plain hurts. We are also having to acknowledge that those of us who are “different” are now in real danger. We have a goddamn nazi in the white house This is just way too damn sad and scary as hell. So to all you twitler/GOP people out there….you promote a profound and deep sadness in me. If you are supporting the twitler or “just don’t know” my belief is that you fully subscribe to the beliefs of the twitler/GOP. Please note that to “look away” and/or to “not know” is to join the ranks of the twitler/GOP supporters. The sickness of those beliefs is deep and profound. If you do not understand how sick and just plain wrong they are I feel sorry for you. I do hope you will come to understand the sickness you have and do your best to correct it. You are racist, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist human beings consumed with fear, ignorance, willful ignorance, and hatred. So continue to love the twitler/GOP and fully own it. Once again you cannot adopt “just one” of these sick beliefs and/or say “but not you/but your different”to someone anymore than you can be a little bit pregnant. I do not mind friends with different points of view. However, if you are a supporter of the twitler, please know that I cannot be “friends” with or associate with the likes of you. Why you might ask? First, because you have beliefs that fundamentally degenerate me as a human being. Second, because I do not wish feel any more pain in the depths of my soul that your sick twisted beliefs cause me. And finally because I do have, at least, some self-esteem which I refuse to give away and the last thing I want to do is to soil your mind with one of my ideas. It is time to get in the streets people.