Friday, June 26, 2020

My Weekend Medical Update - 06/26/2020

    After all the tests, scans, blood draws and doctor visits (in-person and tele-health) I am now in a course of treatment for my cancer. 
    The official diagnosis is - prostate cancer metastasized to the bone. Specifically my spine and also some soft tissue involvement. My gleason score is 9. The doctor says I hopefully have about 4 years. So once again a terminal diagnosis.
    My treatment is initially medication (XTANDI) which is insanely expensive (about $12,000 per month).  This will hopefully slow the cancer down to the point where radiation would then be an appropriate treatment. I also hope the side-effects will be minimal.
    Read my past posts from about 5 years ago for my prior engagement with dealing with this disease. I tried to give weekly updates at that time. And writing those really helped me survive mentally and spiritually as well as physically. About five years ago I had a life expectancy of five years. Well I made it right to the five year mark and then WHAM. Up goes my PSA - it has been going up about 5+ points every 30 days.  And so the tests, etc began again. And, well here I am again. Cancer blows ass.
    I am also having to move due to a clusterfuck by my current landlord. That is a story for another time. My identity has also been stolen. I am now dealing with that too. Add on the complete dumpster fire of COVID-19 and our nations great federal response to this pandemic (thank a republiKKKan today)........well damn.
    On top of that I have been reminded that it is OK for me to ask for help....just like I had to do last time. Being me however I have attempted to do everything myself. As for feelings....for those inclined to want to know what they may be.... well I am still getting around to those. 
    My answer right now is to be busy and numb. I guess I am writing this now because that really is not working very well for me now. So I am going to talk to the folks at Emory Winship Cancer Hospital. Note that they have offered this support from the beginning but I am finally ready to surrender and ask them for help before I do something stupid. I can hear some of you saying "Oh thank the fucking Lord". 
    Another reality is the financial part. Well the bills have started and the costs of having to move are not good. So my intent is to swallow my pride and ask for and accept any financial assistance anyone is willing to provide. This really is not easy for me to do but dealing with all of this is hard enough without adding my prideful shameful insanity into the mix.
    I do want to thank my family and friends for all of your support and fro being willing to slap me upside my head and pull my head out of my ass. Much love to you all.
    More will be revealed. Without humor what do we have.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Learn our history

It's no accident that: 

You learned about Helen Keller instead of W.E.B. DuBois

You learned about the Watts and L.A. Riots, but not Tulsa or Wilmington. 

You learned that George Washington’s dentures were made from wood, rather than the teeth from slaves. 

You learned about black ghettos, but not about Black Wall Street. 

You learned about the New Deal, but not “red lining.”

You learned about Tommie Smith’s fist in the air at the 1968 Olympics, but not that he was sent home the next day and stripped of his medals. 

You learned about “black crime,” but white criminals were never lumped together and discussed in terms of their race. 

You learned about “states rights” as the cause of the Civil War, but not that slavery was mentioned 80 times in the articles of secession. 

Privilege is having history rewritten so that you don’t have to acknowledge uncomfortable facts. 

Racism is perpetuated by people who refuse to learn or acknowledge this reality. 

You have a choice.

Happy Juneteenth weekend!🇱🇾

#jointheconversation #strongertogether

what an asshole

Yes, he really did say this.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Weekend Update - 6/20/2020

    The reality of my cancer returning with a final vengeance, having to move out of what I believed to be my "last residential abode" (which is damn near perfect) due to the incompetence of of the management staff, my identity being ripped off (and the shitstorm of dealing with that), and now the joys of finally beginning my treatment for the damn cancer (really looking forward to the side-effects), and having to ask for help with moving and other things, well.....let's just say I am really overwhelmed. And least we forget the COVID-19 shitshow and power/stupidity/vileness of 'meriKKKa which is personified in that asshole in the White House.
     And due to this disease eating into my spine.. I am more dependent on the kindness and willingness of others for help. Asking for help is not my strong suit. Really hope to see that folks will be there. 
    But the fear of folks being too busy, otherwise occupied, or just not showing up at all thinking someone else will, ......that fear is intense at times. I really hope it is not justified. 
    I do not want to have to ask anyone for anything. But I'm fucked, so ask I must. I am writing this because my faith in human beings is really being tested right now....of course that may be just that I am so damn tired of life right now and depressed as hell. Welcome to my life with really blows ass. 
    Writing this has helped. Better "out than in" they say. Well for now the accompanying pic says it all.

A great VP pick.

While President Donald Trump has sought to position himself as a law-and-order president in the wake of lootings and some violence associated with the protests, Noah said it is actually law and order that protesters and organizers who took the streets are demanding.

"When they're fighting, when they're out there in the streets, what they're protesting for is law and order," said Noah. "They're fighting for an equal application of law and order. And I think that's what a lotta people don't realize." - Trevor Noah

Friday, June 19, 2020

confederate monument in Decatur square is GONE

Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

So Much News, So Little Time: Aunt Jemima & New Trump Tell-Alls | The Da...

Leaked Excerpts From Bolton's Book Detail Trump's Pattern Of Corruption ...

yep yep yep

Trump’s Coronavirus Cover-Up; Bolton’s Tell-All Book: A Closer Look

Celebrate Juneteenth

A 12 year old takes 'meriKKKa's inventory

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Racism. The disease killing "meriKKKa.

Just a note on the police calling in sick and being upset because one of their officers got caught and charged with murder because he killed a black man.... This is exactly why we need to reform the police. If you are a police officer and this is how you feel then it is time for you to get another job NOW. Racism is a mental illness and it is killing 'meriKKKa.

Who Runs The World? Apparently This Guy. Meet Reference Man | Full Front...

The Republican Campaign of Voter Suppression Pt. 2 | Full Frontal on TBS

Monday, June 15, 2020

twitler meets God

news worth snaring

a kink for all....

Tales from Zuckerbergs Fascist Blog - better known as FB

Facebook has blocked and in some cases banned users who tried to share a Guardian article about the site incorrectly blocking an image of Aboriginal men in chains.

On Saturday, Guardian Australia reported that Facebook had apologised for incorrectly preventing an Australian user from sharing the photo from the 1890s.

The post was made in the context of the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, claiming there was no slavery in Australia, before he backed downon those comments a day later.

The post was removed by Facebook and the man had his account restricted, with Facebook claiming the photo contained nudity and was in breach of the social media site’s community standards.

The post was restored after Guardian Australia asked Facebook whether the photo had been flagged in error. Facebook apologised to the user late on Friday and restored the post.

A spokeswoman for Facebook said the photo was removed by the automated system in error.

“We apologise for this mistake,” she said.

However, dozens of Guardian readers have since reported that when they tried to post a link to the article on their profiles they received message that the post violated the same community standards.

The man who first posted the image to his profile was among those unable to share the news article.

Several readers were even banned from posting on Facebook for up to 30 days for attempting to share the article. -----

Including me.......again.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

the clusterfuck of 2020...

    I am resuming my blog as of 06/13/2020. The prime reason being my continued being censored on FaceBook. I can only assume that this is due to my posts of leftest viewpoints in my posts. I also have read that the workers at FB who have protested Mr. Zuckerbergs management are being penalized. 
    The continuing censorship of my viewpoints whether it be through their algorithms or otherwise has become intolerable to me. In short, in my humble view, FB has become an arm of the Trump 2020 presidential campaign - as well as a place I no longer want to support. So farewell FB. Fuck off zuckerberg.