Friday, March 10, 2017

Weekend Update - 03/10/2017

Good news on the medical front. Blood work is good and fewer doctor appointments in my future. My thyroid meds are still being adjusted and I continue to ever so grateful for whoever invented “Depends” -those adult diapers. However, other events continue to happen.The main events being the maintenance and routine upkeep of my home. My home needs some “not” routine maintenance and upkeep. Adding those bills to the party and it’s turning into Mardi Gras. Well, it is Lent after all. I am really trying to not be overwhelmed by all of this. Change is in the air and I am not a big fan of change. My question of the week is what are the most mature and responsible actions I can take to resolve the issues facing me. My actions of the week, and coming weeks, are to be as mature and responsible in all of the actions I take. Some of those actions will be to be both quiet, patient and inert. Then, above all, to attempt to be pro-active rather than reactive in any actions I may take. And on a lighter note…..which may make no sense…..I am “social working” myself. Well, it makes sense in my brain. A great thank you for the patience of my friends and family as this process continues. I am asking all to please share my story once again emphasizing that no amount is too small and that $10.00 - $20.00 is better than $0 dollars. I so look forward to the day when I do not need to ask for financial assistance. This continues to be so much more of a humbling experience. A continuing big “THANK YOU” to all who have and continue to share their experience, strength, hope, time and resources. Your time and gifts are, as always, greatly appreciated and still needed. For the big picture please read my blog from the beginning. ***Please note that the 12/14/16 post in my blog is one which I encourage you to share freely.*** Please read and share my story.

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