Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Weekend Update (a little late) - 05/02/2017

I saw my oncologist today and the news continues to be good….still have to wait for the last blood work results. All of my other physical issues remain but it does indeed make a difference when you no longer have a financial “Sword of Damocles” hanging over your head. I do believe I am beginning to lighten up a bit by starting to actually enjoy being alive. Returning to the hospital has really put things more into perspective for me. I am alive. I have a life … not an existence. My thanks to the other folks who I chit-chatted with this morning. I am also beginning to make where I now live my home. I might just be here for a little while. I do believe I have succeeded in killing off most of my roommates (the little brown brothers). I was really fortunate that in my former home I did not have the “little brown brothers” problem. In other news………my country continues to be a right wing shit show. I dream of waking up one day and not having to hear about the latest republican plan(s) to make america great again. Please note I did say republican - not trump. The donald is nothing more than an useful idiot being whored out by the republican party. Please remember this. I do hold out a slim hope that enough folks in this country will show up and vote, be out in the streets, and otherwise resist this current government. Democracy is not a spectator sport. I also hope that the left in this country finds its voice and realizes it too lives in the United States of America …. not the United States of Fantasyland. Put those rose colored glasses down and stop quoting republican/right wing talking points. When I do listen to the news I am further dismayed because of the subjects not being talked about and the normalization of trump and the republican minions political, financial, and social agenda for this country. I no longer wonder how the nazis came to power and did the horrific things they did with the acquiescence of German people. Way to many of the american people not just ignorant but willfully so. Add to that the level of racism in this country and I find myself being grateful for being as old as I am. At least I will not be around to watch this whole country implode. The level of stupid in this country makes the folks in the movie Idiocracy look like Rhodes Scholars. The republicans have not only thrown the measuring bar for intelligence on the ground but keep digging a deeper hole to keep throwing it into. The stupid…it burns. My quote of the week - Buckle up buttercup, trump’s going to blow us all up. Please read my blog (link below) from the beginning for a complete picture of how I ended up right here right now. It has, and continues to be, one hell of a journey. riksjourney.blogspot.com

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