Saturday, July 25, 2015

7/25/15 Update: The healing continues with a “bump” in the road. I found out this past couple of weeks that my blood work is “not quite right” in a few areas and have had a couple of tests and a medication change. I have also felt “not quite right”. I have more tests this coming week and I do hope this issue will be successfully resolved. As I habitually underplay some of my health issues it is concerning to me the doctor was not “laughing along” but was seriously concerned. I will inform everyone as more information becomes available. 
Well my journey continues and I am reminded again this week that cancer is “bad”, to put it mildly, and getting more expensive every week. Dealing with the stress of what will happen to me and not know if I will be able to remain in my home I am quite sure is not “helping” my recovery. 
I am reflective of the experiences I have had, and while some have been absolute horrors, each one was necessary and has enabled me to be here now in this present moment and to be grateful I am still here. I must remember I do not know how this (my) story ends.
So, I must keep breathing in and out and must continue to ask for help .... which I am doing now. This is hard for me to do but reality is what it is for me. I need help.
As I the future unfolds I was reminded by a good friend yesterday that while my situation is what it is, there are others out there with problems greater than mine. 

I am trying to recover as gracefully as I can and am very grateful for all of the assistance given me. Just for today, I am a very grateful human being.

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